Snow Removal Bills Pile Up In Vernon - Connecticut News Story - WFSB Hartford: "Snow Removal Bills Pile Up In Vernon Town Owes More Than $500,000 For Winter Cleanup"
VERNON, Conn. -- Vernon grappling with more than $500,000 in bills it incurred this winter for snow removal from buildings and roads. "The costs for the roof repairs and removing the snow from the roofs is in excess of $360,000, as well as $260,000 for clearing the snow on the roads," said Vernon Mayor Jason McCoy. The costs, about half of which are covered by the town’s snow budget, and the town's insurance company which is still being negotiated. “I feel at this point the insurance companies we have been working with have a dispute over the language in the policy, but I believe at the end of the day we're going to get it covered,” McCoy said. McCoy said he's optimistic he’ll find the money to avoid temporary municipal layoffs., ,,
No Date Set For Prison Vaccinations
[image: ctnewsjunkie file photo]
Inmates and others in state-based congregate settings are slated to be
vaccinated for COVID-19 on schedule with other p...
4 years ago
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