Public Hearing/Town Meeting for Road Repairs Sept 7th, 2010
Said Public Hearing will take place at 7:10 p.m., and said Special Town Meeting will take place at 7:15 p.m., concerning the above Resolution.
This is to give Notice that on August 3, 2010, in accordance with Chapter XII Section 10F of the Vernon Town Charter, the Vernon Town Council scheduled a Public Hearing and Special Town Meeting to be held September 7, 2010, at the third floor Town Council Chambers in the Town Hall Memorial Building, 14 Park Place, Vernon, Connecticut, to hear comments and take the necessary action relative to the following Resolution recommended by the Mayor:
WHEREAS, in a continuing effort to improve the roadways in the Town of Vernon, and as a complement to the current public bond improvement program, the Department of Public Works has identified roads to repair, reclaim shim, chip and micro-pave, categorized as Groups # I and # II – Skinner Road area; and Groups # III and # IV – Merline Road area.
WHEREAS, Group # I consists of the roads: Barbara Road; Neil Road; Gerald Drive; John; Hany; Edith; and Donnel. The estimated cost for this group of roads is $340,560.00.
WHEREAS, Group # II consists of the roads: Wellwood Circle; Lawler; Hayes; Werner; Wolcott; George; Faith; Olive; Brimwood; Leona; and Bruce. The estimated cost for this group of roads is $138,012.00.
WHEREAS, Group # III consists of the roads: Discovery, Duncaster; Wilshire; and Seneca. The estimated cost for this group of roads is $219,120.00.
WHEREAS, Group # IV consists of the roads: Crest; Patricia; Claire; Forestview; Castlewood; Marjorie; Vernwood; Howard Oakmoor; Vinetta; and Walker Terrace. The estimated cost for this group of roads is $176,958.00.
WHEREAS, pricing may fluctuate due to conditions and the economy, a ten percent contingency of $87,465.00 is included in the total estimated cost.
WHEREAS, the estimated costs of this project is $962,115.00, and is to be included in the six-year capital improvement plan. The funding of $800,000.00 is recommended to come from undesignated fund balance, as of June 30, 2010. The balance of the estimated cost, $162,115.00, is to be derived from grants and other designated sources. If a funding shortfall occurs, the project appropriation will be restricted to available funds, and the road projects will be adjusted accordingly. Work on any of the identified road projects may only commence when funding for that portion of the project is fully designated in relation to the estimated cost.
NOW THEREFORE, Be It Resolved: That the Town Council hereby approves an additional appropriation from the General Fund balance in the amount of $800,000.00 to the fiscal year
2009-2010 Capital Improvement budget, account 10780290-57340, to fund the improvement of the roadways identified as Groups # I, # II, # III, and # IV.
Said Public Hearing will take place at 7:10 p.m., and said Special Town Meeting will take place at 7:15 p.m., concerning the above Resolution.
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[image: ctnewsjunkie file photo]
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