Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Council agrees to recycling change; Vernon will go to automated single stream

Council agrees to recycling change; Vernon will go to automated single stream

VERNON — Town Council members voted Tuesday to make a major upgrade to the town’s trash and recycling routine by moving to single-stream recycling and using automated trucks. The Mayor’s Department Head of the Department of Public works explained that by doing this the Town will save $225,000.00. Mayor McCoy said this will not only be good for the environment but it makes good fiscal sense which is something that Vernon will need in these tough fiscal times.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Update on Massachusetts Senate Race #1247466619963

#1247466619963: "Update on Massachusetts Senate Race
Adam Nagourney, The Times's chief political correspondent, assesses the race between the Democrat Martha Coakley and the Republican Scott Brown for the state's seat previously held by Senator Edward M. Kennedy."

Update on Massachusetts Senate Race
Adam Nagourney, The Times's chief political correspondent, assesses the race between the Democrat Martha Coakley and the Republican Scott Brown for the state's seat previously held by Senator Edward M. Kennedy.

Why Massachusetts Voted Brown. #1247466619963

#1247466619963: "Why Massachusetts Voted Brown
Carolyn Ryan of The New York Times analyzes the different campaign styles of Scott Brown and Martha Coakley and how they may have determined the outcome of the Senate race in Massachusetts." A discusses of the ramifications of Republican Scott Brown's victory over Democrat Martha Coakley for the Senate seat in Massachusetts.

Perma Link Video Ny Times



Thursday, January 7, 2010

Defining journalism down

Defining journalism down

Mr. Burris: I have to agree. Those of us who are (Public People) are being "reported" about have noticed. There is more opinion written by reporters, unchecked quotes that lead folks to a conclusion and less raw data without adjectives. It is the Blog CNN type reporting.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Category:Mayors of places in Connecticut - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Category:Mayors of places in Connecticut - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Mayors of places in Connecticut" Jason L. McCoy

Category:Connecticut Republicans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Category:Connecticut Republicans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Connecticut Republicans" Jason L. McCoy

McCoy For Mayor: Jason L. McCoy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

McCoy For Mayor: Jason L. McCoy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Symbols return to library steps

McCoy For Mayor: Rell commends Vernon firefighters on ice rescue

McCoy For Mayor: Rell commends Vernon firefighters on ice rescue

VERNON — The heroic actions of four local firefighters who rescued a fisherman who had fallen through the ice on Sunday at Risley Reservoir drew some high-level praise Thursday.